Sunday, August 27, 2017

Belliston Update

I must say the eclipse was almost perfect!  If Lori and the rest of our kids could have been there it would have been 100% perfect.  I haven't stopped talking about it since.  Grace and Grant had a great time in Idaho with their cousins and now Grant wants to be home schooled.  I don't think he knows what that's all about but he thinks it sounds like fun.  It took us 9.5 hours to get home and I think we could have safely tacked on another hour or two or three if all 7 of us had been in the car.  Grace and Grant were champs on the way home and we had a good time.

I got my first name to take to the temple this week.  I'm still not exactly sure how it happened but our favorite grandpa, William J Excell, is now ready to take the plunge.  It's a good thing this genealogy thing is so easy now days, because it's still pretty complicated to me.

We are up to our ears in grapes.  We spent about 15 minutes last night picking grapes and filled up  huge bucket that we were able to share with 8 of our neighbors.  We still have a lot more so if anybody needs some grapes, come on by.

I think we will be blessing baby hope next week at 1:00 so feel free to come but please don't feel obligated.

We are saving our pennies for the next solar eclipse in Australia.  Who's in??


1 comment:

  1. What a blast! We were so glad you got to come up and see it! Count us in for Australia! Miss your faces already!
