Sunday, August 27, 2017

Hart Happenings

So, the eclipsed every expectation that we had.  Thanks to everyone who came and especially those who paid for the eclipse in travel time.  That traffic sounded brutal.  Hopefully Dad will get some pictures posted.  It was unreal.  Here are the boys' thoughts on the experience:
Ian: I absolutely loved it! I loved how it got dark and cold and our chickens went crazy! And I saw the shadow bands.
Jack: I liked all of the company.  The eclipse was just outstanding, amazing!
Peter: More sausage please! (we had pancakes and sausage for breakfast that day).  I liked the full thing. (when the sun was completely covered).

I think this summer will go down in the Hart books as the most guest-filled summer ever!  It has been wonderful to see so much family and to spend time with friends.  It has been pretty much back to back action, and Tuesday, we woke up to a quiet, empty house.  The boys shut themselves in their respective rooms for the whole day, laying in bed listening to Harry Potter.  I asked them if they were feeling okay and Jack said "Yes, but mom, I just need to recover a little bit." Haha!  They recovered quickly, never fear!

Peter had his first soccer game this weekend.  It was spectacular!  I had forgotten how entertaining 5-year-old sporting events are.  Alex and I laughed the whole time.  Peter's team name is The Green Pterodactyl Ninja Lasers and they are a force!  There is one little guy on the team who consistently scored for the other team and another one who couldn't stay on his feet. I think they all had a ball!

We went and picked raspberries with Ruth and co. out at the U-Pick place just down the street from them.  The kids picked a bit and then had a blast running up and down the rows of berries.  I made a couple of batches of jam that Peter promptly gave away to his friends and cousins (kidding, not all of it anyway) and we still had plenty to freeze.  We also enjoyed the best parfaits ever for lunch that day.  I love berry season!  We still need to get down to Mom and Dad's house and snitch us some blackberries before those are all gone!

Anyway, it was so good to see those of you who were able to come up last weekend.  Alex loved playing corn hole and frisbee with the guys and it was so nice to visit (sorry I kept you up so late Dad) and eat and just share the same space as my favorite people on the planet!

Our front room has been dubbed Lego Land. We inherited gazillions of Legos from a friend and the boys love to take all the Legos down and rummage through them and build magnificent things.  It is fun to see what their minds come up with.

Good luck to everyone getting back to school this week!  It's always kind of nice to get back into a schedule after the fun/crazy of summer.

I'm rambling, so I think I'll sign off.  Sure love everyone!

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