Monday, August 14, 2017

Hyde Park Highlights

Dad and I celebrated our 38 years together this last week. We woke up to Emma making crepes for us! What a sweetie.  I had been up all night at a birth, so it was nice to not have to worry about making breakfast. That day we went to the birth center for an appointment with Jamie Martin (your cousin) because I will be helping her with her baby that is due in February, then we drove to Provo to attend the wedding reception for my cousin, Mike's, daughter. Uncle Paul and Aunt Barbara were there, along with many cousins I haven't seen for years - and their children whom I've never seen! It was a great, short reunion. A very good anniversary!

I also helped set up for a wedding reception for a family in our ward. It felt like we were focused on marriage a lot this week. It's a great thing, marriage. I wish the world wasn't so confused about it. Keep staying married and celebrating the blessing it is!

It was fun to see those who could come for the "Cousins Reunion" in Provo. There was a decent turn out and Grandpa was delighted (which was the goal!). It will be fun if it can become a tradition - even every 3 years would be good to get together.

Lori Bradshaw said to tell our children hello, so, "Hello," from Sister Bradshaw.  She said, "I am so proud of your beautiful children! They're not even my children and I'm very proud of them!" We hadn't even said anything about what you are all doing, but she just knew she'd be proud of you no matter what! In fact, we don't say anything when we go visit her - literally.  Last night we were there nearly two hours and didn't say more than 5 words to her! She needs to talk when she has someone stop by!  Don't forget to visit the shut-ins. It must be terribly lonely...

Onward and forward and upward this week!! Safe travels to those who are heading to the eclipse gathering spot! I do hope to join you, but am still not sure at this point if I'll be able to.
Oh, and Happy Birthday to Emerson tomorrow!!

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