Sunday, March 5, 2017


Congratulations to the Flakes on getting renters!  That was a long time in coming!  We hope you'll be able to spend your weekends doing something besides working on that house...

Well, it's been exactly one week since I got a text from Ruth, just as we got to our home teaching appointment, wondering if "this is it?"  It wasn't quite the time, but I left for Idaho soon after returning from home teaching.  We thought it would be best to leave before the big storm got here, so I arrived at the Harts' about midnight. Ruth asked me to come Sunday morning and check things out. All was well, so we went to church, came home and had dinner, spent the evening waiting and wondering.  After we all went to bed, Ruth began having more consistent contractions, but didn't get up until after 3:00 a.m.  Garrett came downstairs to let me know that Ruth was thinking things were getting close.  I called a friend in Rexburg to come and she arrived at 5:00 and baby Millie arrived at 5:36!  She is a beauty and Ruth is amazing!  All went very well for mom and baby. It was a sweet blessing to be there with Ruth and Garrett. What a wonder, a miracle, it is to welcome a new baby to your family.  I'm so grateful to the Nilssons for allowing me the privilege of being with them. Ruth is recovering slowly, but surely.

I thought since Garrett was home I might be more needed after he returned to work, so I came home Friday afternoon to check on Dad and Emma.  I learned from Lauren, after I got home, that Emma had taken herself back to the oral surgeon while I was in Idaho and he said she had some infection in her mouth. He gave her a prescription for an antibiotic, but she didn't know where to get it filled, so she didn't take it. But she did do some other things and she seems to be recovering.  She never did get bruised, but is still a little sore and swollen.  Dad injured himself while helping some flood victims in southwest Cache Valley.  He stepped backward and the soggy ground gave way and he fell hard.  Then he pulled some muscles while shoveling snow, which I think aggravated the first injury.  He is having a difficult time moving, but is trying to recover.

While I was in Idaho, I received an email from a ward member which reminded me that I had to get the ward newsletter done by Saturday (which miraculously happened).  The only thing I am trying to recover right now is my memory!! It seems to have gone on vacation, but is slowly being recovered.

It's hard to believe a full week has gone by since Millie arrived!  Time needs to slow down a little and let me catch up!              Love to all of you!

P.S.  Please read the blog post about the upcoming family gathering!

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