Sunday, March 5, 2017

And... Loving it.

Hello family.  Not much is happening in my world.  I did decide to take the job as the marching and visual director for the band this summer.  Before y'all tell me how that was not the right decision, don't worry.  I'm kicking against the pricks already.  But it's fine.  The director I'll be working with is super chill and told me if I needed to miss I could and he wouldn't kill me.  Praise.  So.... about that nice, new 2017 penny Joe... I'd love to come down in August! I can't come the first week to help, which is when you probably actually need me, but I'll totally come whenever you need! I'm planning on spending as little time as possible in Cache Valley this summer. I love this place but I think I need to get out... So if you think you can handle me, I'll be visiting y'all this summer ;) maybe a little time in Arizona, a couple weeks in Idaho.  Ya know... getting out and seeing the world ;)
AP gov keeps going.  There's only about 45 days until nationals in DC so that's sketch but we've almost got our papers written and then we'll be ready to take it on.  It's really cool working with Carter (the really smart kid I talk about a lot).  He' s genius.  Super intimidating, and you know you try too hard to sound smart when you can roast him on his spelling.... it's fine.  He's in DC this week, meeting the President, talking to Chief Justice Roberts for three hours, and receiving $10,000 for being smart.  It pays, kids.  Crazy right? So anyway, he's fun to work with.
Getting wisdom teeth out was straight up awful.  I mean, the first two days were awesome.  Jello all the way.  But then I went ice skating... I guess you're not supposed to do that... Meh it's fine ;) I wish we had videos for when everyone else got theirs out because I'm sure they'd be hilarious.  I just cried.  Well, a new tri is beginning, so wish me luck ;) you are the greatest siblings out there ;) and nieces and nephews too ;) and in-laws ;)

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