Sunday, March 12, 2017

Flake Fun

12 March 2017 - This week....was not our favorite week.  On Wednesday I got a call from our new tenants that one of the upstairs bathrooms was flooding when they used the washer or dishwasher.  We called a plumber who was able to send his guys out the following day. It was a mess. Three days and $3,500 later, we think that the problem is fixed.  All I can say is that if any of you decide to build your own house, please use materials that are up to code, especially for your plumbing! 
And being over at the house made us aware of some lease violations so we are in the middle of trying to resolve that. 

On the bright side, the weather has been gorgeous for the most part this week.  We were in the mid 70's for the last half of the week which made for a lovely weekend.  The flower seeds that I started in the greenhouse have started to come up so hopefully there will be plenty of flowers at our house this year.   The tomato starts are also doing very well. 

The prairie dogs have returned with their incessant chirping.  Much to Scott's joy, I learned how to use his pellet gun to "control the surplus population."  Although I don't have the upper body strength to load it!  It is a team effort!

We took the truck in to the mechanic on Friday to get a portion of the clutch replaced.  Hopefully that will be done tomorrow. 

That is all I can think of for now.  If anyone wants to enjoy some sunshine (if it is lacking in the cold, northern tundra) or if you want to visit "normal" time, come on down!  We would love to have you! 
Can't wait to see everyone for the family gathering!  It is going to be a blast!

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