Monday, March 27, 2017

Hyde Park Haven

I love seeing the pictures!! Thanks for posting your adventures!

We had a great week with Ruth and her kiddos here. The rain put a damper on a few of our planned activities, but we had fun nonetheless.  We made cookies, went for walks between storms, played at the park for a short time, had a blast tending Thomas' dog (Rudy), jumped on the tramp with the neighbors, read stories, played with Lauren and Wesley, and generally had a good time together. Dad and I fought over whose turn it was to hold Millie, but we each had some good snuggle time. We hope the Nilsson clan comes again before Millie is crawling! We hope the rest of you come soon!

Since our last post, Emma went a second time to the oral surgeon to get infection drained out of her tooth. This time she actually took the antibiotic prescribed and got rid of the infection. That is good. Her allergic reaction to the medication was not so good. The day before she was scheduled for a couple of interviews, she broke out in a very itchy rash all over her body - arms, legs, torso (front and back), neck, scalp, face - it was awful!! After reviewing everything she had eaten and breathed, I finally realized it could be the antibiotic. The doctor said to not take any more - now or ever again. I guess, like Lauren, she is allergic to penicillin. She took Augmentin, but the doctor said to not take any penicillin drugs. Now we know.

Our bulbs are poking out of the ground, finally - daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, garlic... Very lovely and fragrant. I hope it stops raining one of these days so I can get a head start on the weeds. For spring break, Emma said she'd like to stay home and prune trees with Dad! What a great idea! How's that for a "stay-cation"!  I think we will definitely take her up on that.

Thomas and Victoria spoke in church yesterday about following the prophet.  That's hard to do if you don't know what he/they are saying, so I do hope you all have plans to tune in to General Conference! We can't wait to compare notes with all of you.

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