Sunday, March 26, 2017

Flake Fun

26 March 2017 - The last couple of weeks have been pretty uneventful as far as I can remember!  The weather was a little up and down with some really nice days and some really windy and cold days.  Our peach tree blossomed and then it froze.  We are hoping that the frost didn't do too much damage but time will tell.

Last weekend Scott told me that we were going on a date but wouldn't give me any more details.  So we ended up in Holbrook for dinner and then he pulled into the government complex.  I was pretty confused until we walked over to the racquetball courts where a small group was gathered.  There is a man named John that works for Navajo County but his passion is astronomy.  He had brought two of his big telescopes so that we could star gaze!  He even told Scott to bring the camera so here are our first attempts at astrophotography.


Orion Galaxy

Basically John had an adapter that allowed our camera to attach directly to the telescope so we could get these pictures!  The cool thing was that when you looked through the telescope, all you could see was a little smear but with a delayed shutter speed, you could catch the actual colors and movement!
So we tried some pics from our backyard. Can anyone guess what the line is? 

It is an airplane! 

Let's see, what else...the greenhouse is full of greenery which is always fun.  We got another section on the island completed which was fun.  It will get completely done soon!

Hope all is well with you and yours.  We miss you all and can't wait to see you in May! 


  1. What a cool experience! I can't believe you guys took those pictures. I always assumes that those kinds of photos came from a telescope launched into space like the Hubble!

  2. How fun! I think Dad's probably the only one who would have guessed the line was an airplane. What an amazing experience you had. We have often talked of investing in a really good telescope - you may have convinced us!
