Sunday, March 5, 2017

Flake Fatigue

5 March 2017 - First of all, a huge congratulations to the Nilsson's.  She is beautiful!  We can't wait to meet her.  Make sure that everyone else has plenty of cuddle time before the gathering so we can get plenty of Uncle Scott and Aunt Jenn time in!

This week has been good but exhausting.  Scott had his flex day on Friday so we were able to spend a nice, long weekend at home doing projects!  We are starting to build our first train layout and it is coming along slowly, but surely.  Perhaps we'll have pictures by the time the family gathering rolls around.

The exciting news of our week is that our house rented.  We are still in a slight state of shock but it has been good so far.  The family that moved in (9 of them + three dogs) were in another rental house when the septic tank collapsed and flooded the basement.  So they were in a hurry to move, as you can imagine.  From the first contact that she made with us to the signing of the lease was less than 24 hours.  We felt a little pressured and rushed since the family didn't have any other options for housing so we are hoping that it will be a good thing.

The wind hasn't stopped blowing for very long this week but we have plenty of inside projects that we are working on so at least those things are getting done.

We had tomatoes that have popped up as well as some basil and our potatoes are looking great.  I started a bunch of flowers this weekend so hopefully those will be popping up soon. 

I re-vamped a cute little lawn chair this week that we found at the Lovelake house when we first bought it and it turned out really cute.  It is purple...of course! 

A sober thing was announced today in our ward.  There is a family (the parents are about our age) who are expecting twin boys in May.  Really fun but around the same time that they found out what they were having, the husband was diagnosed with lymphoma.  I guess it kind of hit home hard with Millie arriving this week and Lori expecting.  Sure makes you grateful for the blessings that you have, doesn't it?

Well, I hope you all have a great week.