Sunday, March 19, 2017

Hart Happenings

Hello loved ones, far and wide (this refers to distance, not clothing sizes for those of you growing babies),

The sun has made a few appearances in the last week, which is a blessed thing in March when we Idaho folk are beginning to despair.  It has been nice to walk around the yard and start making plans.  The boys have been busy climbing all the trees in the yard and discussing which one is the best for climbing.  I also caught them throwing the football into the trees so they had an excuse to climb them.  I wish you could have seen their faces when I told them they could climb the trees regardless of whether there was a football lodged in it somewhere!  Ecstatic little adventurers.

We got to have the Nilssons over this week which is always a treat.  Millie is the sleepiest little charmer I have ever seen.  And Ruth is already chomping at the bit to get into her next project.  She amazes me.  She and Garrett accomplish more in a few weeks than Alex and I do in a year!  And it looks so nice in the basement.  Good work!

Every 1st and 3rd Friday the boys and I (and now Ruth's family) meet with our homeschooling group and this Friday I was sitting there as the moms were discussing things and was just so grateful for the like-minded people that God puts in our lives.  It has made such a difference in our family to have a support system and people that "get" how we think and what we are trying to accomplish.  I wish the same for each of you!

We got back late Monday night from a trip that we took to the Oregon coast.  It was so fun!  Alex has a brother in Salem and they got together to work on some stuff for the rental houses so me and my sister in law and all the kids got to play.  We went to the beach, visited a discovery museum, road an epic carousel, went to the beach again and saw 2 real, live, lighthouses (a bucket list item for me).  The boys were enthralled by the sea lions that we saw and had a blast being chased by the waves, which caught up to them and drenched them a few times.  We also found the coolest slide ever at a park in Newport.  It was pitch dark and you had to climb this huge hill and went down a tube slide that felt like it kept going and going.  So fun!

Can't wait for the Family Gathering!
Is anyone up for a trip to the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point in April?

Peace and Love (see Studio C)

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