Jenn, we can sympathize in the plumbing department! When we did our basement project that is where we ran into the most problems and where most of our money went. I've decided the real money is found in the plumbing industry. We are warming up here in the north. It was 50 degrees and the kids were out in flip flops and t shirts. They did not get it approved with their mother before going out and soon realized that even with the sun shining it was still a little chilly. Millie continues to be the focus of every day and we just love her. We weighed her this week and at almost two weeks old she still isn't up to Emerson or Henry's birth weight. It is nice to have her stay newborn size for just a little while. We will most likely be blessing her the second week of April, the Sunday after general conference. We would love to see you there but don't feel obligated to come. Now I'm going to overload you with pictures!

It's finished for the most part and we are moved in downstairs!!! Just FYI the flooring we used is awesome. It is luxury vinyl planks from Lowes (Home Depot has it too) and clicks together and all you need is a utility knife to cut it. It was $1.79 a sq. ft. I recommend it for bathroom, laundry room, mud room or kitchen. I'll let you know how durable it is after some use but so far we love it.
My favorite part about the shower is that it has a light!
Twin girls!
Addy had her dance competition this week and won 5 first place pins for her solos and her team took first for novice! They will go to nationals at Lagoon in May.
Happy girl!
Darling photos! What a sweet smile on that gorgeous baby! Can't wait to get my hands on her again... :)