Sunday, October 23, 2016

Flake Fun

23 Oct 2016 - It has been quite a week in the Flake household.  Scott, his director and another coworker spent 2 days in Phoenix meeting with auditors.  I spent my week in meetings and working on an active shooter compilation video.  On Friday and Saturday we held to drive through flu shot clinics at local fire stations.  So, we are both exhausted from work. 

The weather has been very warm recently which is strange for October.  It did freeze a couple of nights so all of our tomato plants died, except for the one that Scott hung on our back porch.  The flowers are still in bloom though and look beautiful.  The basil, carrots and onions in the greenhouse are doing really well. 

Sorry to hear about Emerson's recent mishap and hope he is recovering.  The picture looked like he would have a pretty nice black eye.  Glad to hear that Thomas' test was helpful.  Now he just has to suffer until December!  Hope that everything goes well with the Hart move.  Wish we could be there to help but we are excited to see pictures and hopefully the real thing in the not too distant future. 

Last Friday we cut another load of firewood so we should be good for the winter.  Now we just have to split that last load and we'll be done with that.

As for the house, it is coming along.  We spent quite a bit of time there yesterday and got the texturing done.  Scott also put down the backer board in the mud room so it is almost ready to tile.  Now the big projects will be painting and tiling...

The mud room progress...

The laundry room progress

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