Monday, October 17, 2016

Nilsso News...again

After posting earlier, we had quite the mishap. Emerson was being a cowboy and riding on the back of Addy, when somehow he flew off and face planted against our sharp, stone hearth. Blood immediately started to flow down the side of his face and it was mayhem for a moment.  It was an impressive inch long gash that ran diagonal through his eyebrow. Our neighbor came over and assessed the situation and recommended stitches. We have never had to take anyone in to have stitches. It was past 9 on a Sunday so the urgent care was closed so Garrett took him to the ER.  This was quite an experience and I'm sure the staff thought we were neglectful when Garrett answered all their questions stating that Emerson did not have immunizations, he has never been in a hospital, in fact he wasn't even born in one! Emerson was a good sport and was thrilled when they let him take home the tools they used to stitch him up with.  Our fireplace will now be getting a facelift.

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