Monday, October 17, 2016

More From Hyde Park

Well, there's certainly not anything as interesting or exciting to report from our neck of the woods - thankfully! The Nilsson report this morning is that Emerson is doing fine and was quite intrigued by all that went on at the hospital. He said he didn't even feel a thing! Thankfully, again!

We are loving the beautiful fall leaves, even those that have fallen all over our yard. That is going to be my exercise effort for the next many weeks, I'm sure - raking all those leaves off the grass and getting them into the compost...

I've been trying to become better friends with Wesley lately so that he won't have such a hard time when his mom is occupied for a few moments. The Mannings were generous and invited us to dinner one night. Then they went to the temple with the intent to do baptisms. I finished the dishes before Wesley began to miss his mom and dad, which was about 10 minutes after they left. Nothing I did calmed him, so I wrapped him in a blanket and went outside. I was surprised to realize it was sprinkling, but Wesley didn't care about the rain or anything else. He just wanted his mom and dad, who actually pulled into the parking lot not long after we went outside. The baptistry was too full, so they came home - much to Wesley's relief and delight. We are going to have to keep working at it, but one of these days he's going to like me! He rolls over now, and gets up on his hands like he might think about crawling soon. He's a strong little guy!

Emma is nearly finished with band. I went to their competition in Centerville last week (at Nick's alma mater, Davis High School) with Sister Bennett. They did well and we enjoyed cheering and waving our flags! Only one more performance before heading to Southern Utah and on to California. Then she'll be done with marching band, for good. She has so much else going on that it will be good to get one big time-consumer out of the way, though I know she will miss it when all is said and done.

Dad had two ward conferences yesterday, which went well. After speaking in Sacrament Meeting in our ward, I attended those conferences with him. There are a lot of great young adults there, but many with such heavy burdens and difficulties. Dad is learning much, even things he never, ever wanted to learn! I'm sure it will come in handy in the future.

Thomas is having a CT scan on his face today. Dr. Blotter is trying to discover why he is having such severe sinus issues so constantly. The medications seem to be helping a bit, but he wants to see if there is some kind of structural reason for the problem. It will be nice to get to the bottom of it!

Most all else is the same. Here is a great quote, even a possible motto for life, that Kate printed in the Banner: "If it isn't good, don't think it. If it isn't true, don't say it. If it isn't right, don't do it." (Carlos Asay) Easy to remember, easy to live by. Have a great week, you great family, you!

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