Sunday, October 2, 2016

Flake Fun

2 October 2016 - First of all, happy birthday to Lauren.  Second of all, congratulations to the Hart family on their new purchase. Thirdly, happy October to everyone!

This weekend has been exhausting but very productive with a couple of funny/happy stories mixed in. 

As for the week, it was pretty typical.  We held 7 active shooter trainings (which I will be turning into a video) and we have 6 more this coming week.  Our office has started to do quarterly community trainings and this was the first of those trainings. It is being taught by local law enforcement officers to talk about what happens when they respond and what can the public expect.  It has been a very informative and interesting training.  I think our next one will be on suspicious packages. Scott is keeping very busy at work as well trying to figure out everyone's budgets.  His department just got reorganized and now there are only 3 of them in the department. 

Scott had Friday off so we were able to spend quite a bit of time at the house getting things done.  On Friday we decided to divide and conquer so, while he started on the house, I headed to Show Low for some supplies that we needed.  Long story short I ended up locking the keys in the car.  Luckily I was at Home Depot and was able to borrow some supplies.  I tied a slip knot in the cord of my jacket and slipped it into the cracked open window.  Then I slid a paint stick in the window and secured the cord on the lock and pulled.  I highly recommend that if you ever feel the need to lock your keys in your car that you crack the window and make sure you are at Home Depot! 

This is the toad that we found.

As you can see we got some drywall done which means that all of the major plumbing and electrical are finished!  Now we just have to texture, paint, level, tile and change all of the outlets and switches, along with some light fixtures and we'll be nearly done!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds exhausting, but looks great! We hope you're done before you know it :)
