Sunday, July 5, 2015

Significantly Single (And....Loving it!)

First off, explanation of the title.  Have any of you noticed how I'm the only sibling without a significant other? Not that I want one, I just thought I'd point it out:) I do have Chess, which is kinda the same thing I hear...
Anyway, I'll catch up with the past little bit.  Staying at the Hart house for a week was awesome and I had a blast!! I'd do it again in a heartbeat...if I could find a spare week anywhere this summer! Haha!

    Well, I'm just cramped with Marching Band stuff.  Our show is gonna be pretty sweet, pirates, cannons, British soldiers etc... So our section is nine people big and we have three section leaders.  The Alto Sax's have about fifteen people, and they have one section leader....don't know how that worked out:/ Being in leadership is a blast though, cuz I get to work really close with the staff and know all the ins and outs of the show!

     I went to girls camp this past week.  It was really different from any other year I've gone cuz we only had three days instead of four, which was a little hard, because two of them were only half days:/ The schedule was really crazy and packed so it wasn't as spiritual as the others years I've been:/ it was super weird being a YCL and realizing I only have one more year of girls camp! CRAZY!! Being a YCL is a blast cuz we can play all kinds of pranks and not get in trouble;) We got this manikin head, a mans head, beard and all and stuck it through windows etc. It was pretty funny to see the leaders freak! We also had a huge water fight where Ashlynn Evans got on the leaders bad side with the hose...the next day she got it good with a large dose of whipped cream in the kisser.  She got them back by dumping the entire bowl of whipped cream (about as big as our big silver bowls) on Sister Thomas! Brother Thomas wasn't too thrilled about that, so he and Ashlynn had a wrestling match of a was interesting:) We went to Bear Lake the last day and I got crisped! I got home super excited to see the fam, especially when I saw Yanny's car out front.  Thanks family for going to Pickleville without me.  I hung out with my dog and watched a chick flick.  My life is exciting as you can tell;)

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