Sunday, July 12, 2015

Flake Fun

12 July 2015 - This weekend we did some landscape work which is starting to look quite nice.  We discovered the other day that the neighboring cows have been enjoying the back row of our corn. GRRRR. But the tomatoes are doing well and so are the beans and cucumbers.

Ryan (Scott's second cousin that is 6 and lives in Mesa) has been visiting his grandparents next door to us for the past couple of weeks.  He is a hilarious kid with a lot of energy.  Whenever we are outside he will come trotting down the lane yelling, "Hey Scott & Jenn".  He loves to be in the dirt, climbing things and tormenting a nutshell he is 100% boy.  He came over yesterday while we were working on our roundabout and jumped right in to help.  When we started to find earthworms in our dirt pile, he "transplanted" them to the garden.  But not before taking them for a dip in the mud puddle to make sure "they were watered."  We spent most of the afternoon just laughing! 

The weather is beautiful right now.  There is a small part of every day that is overcast which is really nice.  Looks like the weather for the gathering will be perfect. Plan for daytime temperatures around 90 and evening temperatures in the upper 50's.  Speaking of the gathering, hope you enjoy the little video!


  1. Wonderfully inspiring video! Can't wait to start the drive!

  2. Jenn! How fun! We want to come right this minute!!! It's going to be a blast....
    Thanks for the very fun video! Wish you could join us for the ride down. It's going to be quite the trip :0
