Sunday, July 19, 2015

Hart Happenings

Idaho has been lovely these past few weeks. Cooler temps with evening rainshowers. The raspberries are going crazy, our second round of peas is on, our sunflowers are taller than Peter, and we've been chowing down on garden fresh cherry tomatoes. Bliss!
Ian and I enjoyed cut scout day camp last weekend. I got to go as one of the adult chaperones and it was so fun! The boys made kites, played with parachutes, shot bows and arrows, and did some experiments with bottle rockets. Those things flew!
The boys talked me into going on the obstacle course with them which was a riot. Definitely sized for boys. I got stuck in one of the tunnels which the boys thought was hilarious. 
Alex's family rolled into town for the annual family reunion. It was a nursery rhyme/fairy tale theme complete with a Mad Hatter tea part and a lovely ball in the evening. Family is the best!
Speaking of which....we can't wait to see y'all in a few days!

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