Sunday, July 5, 2015

Hart Happening

4th of July has got to be the best holiday ever! Good summer weather, parades, fireworks, good food...ahhh, the USA! I love this country. 
We participated in all of the aforementioned activities yesterday. Idaho Falls really puts on its celebration pants this time of year and it is so great to see all the families out and about together. 
We enjoyed a nice respite from the heat today for which we were all very grateful. I think it only got up to about 80 degrees and we had a brief rain shower which the boys and the neighbors were all outside playing in. Good times!
We had such a good time at Pickleville this week. Thanks for the invite, Mom, and Thomas, for supplying the tickets. It was a delightful, spontaneous, midweek excursion. Great shows and can I just say that Thomas is AMAZING! So much fun to watch him! And nice to catch up with the mom as we pulled weeds. We have the best family ever! Can't wait for the gathering!

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