Sunday, July 19, 2015

Hyde Park Happiness

Hello to all of you from your extended family! I attended the Biorn reunion in Manila this weekend and everyone (Uncle Burl, Aunt Neta, Uncle Paul, Uncle Larry, their children and your cousins) all asked about you and wanted to know what you are doing. Rhea's kids were all there with their children - except Jason couldn't come at the last minute. Jeremy and his family have moved to Evanston. He is going to still work for the same electric company and continue to travel until he can find other work in Evanston. Jamie and Matt are planning to move their family to Evanston next summer. Kinda weird.

The uncles and Aunt Neta are all getting older, but boy are they fun to be around - especially when they are all together! They tell the funniest stories! It was a quick reunion, but good to see Becca, Rhonda, Rhonda's boys, and my cousins. I walked around Manila a bit and thought, "It's good to be from someplace," even though I'm not really from there.

One of the best highlights for me was seeing my dad's sister, Kathy. They always go out and stay in "the old place" for the rodeo (which was a blast, by the way). We saw her there and she asked us to come visit her, which we did, We stayed a long time and had a wonderful visit! She is delightful. I hope you can all get acquainted some time. I may think about planning a "reunion" with her and her sister, Karen, their families and our family sometime when things slow down a bit. I'd love for you to know them. They are good people with amazing stories.

Well, the time for our gathering is quickly approaching! I can hardly wait to see you all and camp together! It's going to be the best. Plan to have a great time!!! See you soon!

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