Monday, July 6, 2015

More From Hyde Park

Well, this is from the most defunct grandparents ever....

We forgot the twins birthday. Really. Very sad, disappointing. Can't think why it happened. No excuses. Getting old doesn't even count as an excuse. Too much going on doesn't count. We simply need to repent and do better. Deepest apologies Joy and Jake. Your Belliston grandparents truly do love you! We'll make it up to you somehow....

It was lovely to have the Harts and the Nilssons here to go to Pickleville together. They each stayed a night, but not the same night, much to Addy's dismay. Nice visits. Evan and Christy also came with their family, which was great fun. Christy has hilarious stories to tell! We watched fireworks with them.

Dad's had a toothache that we're trying to get to the bottom of. We hope the sinus medication will make a difference so he can get some sleep at night. I've been cleared to apply to take the national midwifery test. Now there's a funny thing - they checked all of my paperwork (tons and tons) and have given me permission to send $1,000 with my application to take a test I may not pass. Hmmm. Not sure how I feel about that.

Trying to keep the lawn watered is an impossible job most of the time, but I'm working at it. We're slowly getting the yard weeded and looking a bit better. Always something to do out there. The garden is smaller than I EVER remember it being - even when we were first married. Kinda weird.

We simply can't wait for the gathering! I am ready to head down right now! It's going to be so fun! Thanks to Jenn and Scott for arranging everything! See you all soon!

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