Sunday, July 12, 2015

News from Northern Utah

I was going to title this "News From the North" until I realized that the Hart's are further north than we are...

Well, two of our July births happened this week - just three more to go. One was a lovely homebirth, the other was a transfer to the hospital for a C-section. The baby was in a weird position and wouldn't change. Water broke and no progress for many hours. When she started developing a fever, I took her to Ogden. The midwife sent her to the hospital. They are happy with their healthy baby boy. I was feeling like the world's worst hostess because Grandpa and Christi were here for the opera and I was gone to births most of the time they were here! Dad carried on famously, however, and we did get to one show with them - Carousel, which was marvelous.

Emma was gone most of the week with band stuff and then youth conference. Good things. Thomas was gone most of the week with Pickleville and work. Also good things. I'm about ready to move to the middle of nowhere so we can stay home and have some peace and quiet. But I guess it's all good stuff that we're involved with, so we'll likely carry on in the same way for a while.

Becca and Rhonda are coming this week for the Biorn reunion in Manila. It will be fun to see them and to visit with my infamous extended family! They are all so great. Having Elder Perry and Elder Packer pass away recently reminds me that I need to spend as much time as I can with those I love so dearly because it won't be long before that whole generation will be gone and things won't be the same. I'm not as good at keeping in touch with them as I should be, but I don't want to have too many regrets, so I'm planning to go to Manila this weekend. It will be fun to go to the rodeo and to visit with everyone.

Addy's baptism was very wonderful. There was a great spirit there and she was a delightful hostess, making everyone feel so glad they were there. She'll be a good addition to the church membership!

We are very excited to see you all together in just over a week. Let's hope this lovely weather holds out! Couldn't be better!

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