Sunday, July 5, 2015

Nilsson News

I don't know how it happens but the rodents seem to really like our house.  Last year we finally got rid of the rats and now we have a mouse infestation!  Well, I've really only seen three, but I consider that an intrusion, infestation, unacceptable situation.  I was getting Garrett's lunch ready one morning and saw a mouse dash across our floor and into the pantry.  Absolute disgust.  There are also several living out in our garage.  Mice and rats are everything filth, are the lowest of the low and there is nothing good about them except that they provide food for other productive creatures like snakes, hawks and owls (I can't mention cats because I think they are pretty worthless as well).  I always wonder why they are for sale in pet stores.  Hey, maybe I should start a new business selling rodents I catch.  So now my summer is going to be spent detoxifying our entire house and property.  Down with the rodentia species!!!
Okay, on a lighter note.  Addy's baptism is this coming Saturday and I just sent you an email with the details.  When were kids permitted to grow up?  A week ago, Garrett ran his Spartan race.  He did well and didn't injure himself this time.  I told Garrett he needs to commit all of his brother's in law to be on his team next year.  I myself am considering training for it as well.  Let's make it a family venture!
We had a good 4th of July spent with Garrett's family.  I must say I didn't have as proud of our country mentality this year with all that has been happening recently.  I guess it just means that we are getting ever closer to the second coming and that is a good thing.

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