Sunday, June 21, 2015

Nilsson News

First of all, Happy Father's Day to all you wonderful brethren!  In a birth class I went to, I remember Sher Anderson saying, "If it wasn't for dad's, our kids would grow up being pansies."  I'm so glad that men are there to provide balance to our lives.  I know we have had a pretty hot house of female emotions and it is always a cool breeze when Garrett comes home.  Yay for the amazing men in our lives!  I just have to tell you the funny thing the bishopric counselor said when he was announcing sacrament meeting this morning.  I think he was really tired.  He welcomed all the dad's saying, "Happy Father's Day to all you dads and men and soon to be men. " I think he meant to say, soon to be dads?

Well, summer seems to be escaping.  Lately we have been acquiring things from Garrett's grandma who has moved out and from grandpa Belliston since he has also moved and sold his house.  It has been nice but at the same time has forced us to do some major clean out.  Why do we have so much stuff?!  It is great to be in a mood where I want to dejunk and simplify.
We had a good time at the dinner and evening at Grandpa's home.  That house is full of memories and it was enjoyable to talk about them.  My earliest memory I have there, was when I was about three or four and sitting on grandma Elsie's lap in the front room.  I will miss our reunions there.
Our chickens are growing and the rats have been discovered yet again.  Our garden is growing well and we are harvesting peas and strawberries.  It is hot.  I guess that is a good thing since it is summer.
Jenn, maybe we should have a softball tournament for the gathering.  I didn't realize that Scott enjoyed it so much, but it is also something the kids could do as well.  Just a thought.  Enjoy your hot summer everyone and we will see you all in a few weeks!

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