Sunday, June 14, 2015

Nilsson News

I feel like I have taken a long vacation from writing but I wasn't prepared for how wiped out I'd be after the wedding celebrations.  I'll give a recap of some of the thing we have done.
We celebrated Addy's 8th birthday on the 7th (most of the celebrating happened the day before on Saturday). Just so everyone is aware, Addy will be getting baptized on July 11th around 5:30 in the evening.  We would love to see all of you there if possible!
The Harts helped us smash open a pinata and that was a blast.  Garrett's parents came and played with the kids while Garrett and I went to our adult session of Stake Conference.  While we were waiting for the meeting to begin, we were surprised to see Shirley Manning walk in and sit down on our row!  I went and talked with her and she was there to see the gal performing the musical number.  It was fun to see her again.
This past week we decided to go on a bit of a stay-cation.  We went down to American Fork and stayed at Garrett's grandma's home with his parents.  His grandma moved into a care center even though she is still very alert and well.  She will turn 98 this year and she tells us she is ready to go.  98 is just way too long to live.  Her home is filled with a lot of stuff so I had a good lesson then and there and decided I needed to simplify my life.  Why do we allow ourselves to acquire so much stuff?  (Side Note: If anyone is looking for a fantastic read I recommend "Simplicity Parenting" even if your aren't a parent because it has sooooo many good ideas to live by.)
Anyway, we went swimming at a great acquatic center in Lehi and then we went to the curiosity museum at Thanksgiving Point.  Add that one to your list!  It is a must see!  We were there for about 6 hours and enjoyed ourselves immensely.
We are enjoying a day of rest, well, everyone except Garrett (He got a fortune cookie that read "everything is coming your way."  He said "Hmmm, sound like Sunday is around the corner).  He is busy with his calling responsibilities.  I was called today as the ward music coordinator.  It will be a good calling that will require some organization.  I teach my last relief society lesson next week.  Yay?
Well that's it for now!  We are looking forward to the gathering in just a few weeks!


  1. Ruth, you'll be a great music coordinator! It's such a very important part of bringing the spirit into our meetings and you know which music will do just that! Though I'm sure the RS will miss your lessons!

  2. Glad you finally got ahold of that book Ruth! It is a game changer for sure.

  3. Wish we could be there for the baptism. Sounds like the museum was a blast!
