Sunday, June 7, 2015

Flake Fun

7 June 2015 - I have to agree with everyone that the wedding was wonderful.  I am excited to see pictures of the second reception and hopefully start seeing some "Manning Madness" posts!

We arrived safely back in Snowflake on Sunday after a pleasant, hot drive.  The work week was not as fun as spending the week with the Belliston clan but we somehow survived. 

We were able to plant all of our tomatoes (48 in total) and we only lost 1 in the transplant.  Another might be on it's deathbed but we'll have to wait and see.  Our bean decided to pop up and grow with gusto this week.  The corn is looking great.  The cucumbers have come up.  The carrots had to be thinned yesterday because there are so many of them.  The broccoli hasn't grown much but we are still hopeful. 

Since Scott's birthday fell on fast Sunday, we did most of our celebrating yesterday.  We had croissant French toast (Yummy!- thanks to Ruth for introducing us to it), went to see the Avengers movie and got pellets for Scott's birthday present, a new nitro pellet gun!  The rest of the afternoon was spent breaking in the new firearm and scope.

Today Scott was called as the new Elders Quorum 2nd counselor.  He will be working with a good presidency.  It seems to be a strange grouping to me but is an indication that revelation is behind it.  We are losing quite a few strong members of our ward this summer and it will be interesting to see what the next couple of months bring. 

Life is good on our home front. 

Here are a few more wedding pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Your bean? Singular? Hahaha! I'm rooting for that bean! I hope it's still growing when we come in July :-)
