Sunday, June 21, 2015

Hyde Park Highlights

Emma is on fire this summer! She's up early taking care of the chickens, exercising, practicing and marching. She's been a trooper to help me clean the house and work in the yard. I hope we can keep it up for a few weeks! She really enjoyed going to Studio C this week - thanks to Joe! She took Alisa with her this time and they had a blast. One of her best friends, a fellow she's gone to the temple with every week for a long time, is leaving for his mission this week. It's really weird to have her friends going on missions! She's only 16, for Heaven's sake!

We've been grateful to see Lauren and Nick a couple of times this week. They are a busy pair! We went to the temple one evening with them and they came for dinner today. They always have delightful stories to tell and keep up chuckling.

I have to agree with Ruth, about the men in our lives. I was thinking about how comforting and wonderful it is to have the security of knowing that all of our children have the priesthood in their homes. I'm certainly very grateful for that blessing. Thanks to you all for the good examples you are.

This week will bring more of the same... School work, moving Emma downstairs, organizing, weeding... I think that is the ongoing schedule for the summer. Hopefully it won't take all summer to get Emma moved!

Linda Walker, daughter of Richard and Marcena, had a baby girl about the same time Ruth had Henry. The baby is now at Primary Children's waiting for a heart transplant. If you could remember them in your prayers, that would be really great.

Oh, and don't forget to put the Belliston reunion on your calendar for July 31st. It's in the same place as last year and Dad is in charge. How about we have a reunion every weekend in July?! Won't that be fun :/  
July 17-18 Biorn reunion in Manila
July 23-26 (or so) Family Gathering in Snowflake
July 31-Aug. 1 Belliston reunion in Provo.
Actually, please don't feel pressured or obligated, but just feel invited and wanted! It truly is a blessing to belong to a family that loves to be together!

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