Sunday, June 21, 2015

Flake Fun

21 June 2015 - Summer decided to show up in Snowflake this week.  By 9:00AM on Friday it was already 90!  Because of that we didn't get as much yard work done as we would have liked to this weekend but that is okay.  The garden is growing really well.  Scott was able to get the swamp cooler set up for the summer which will be really nice.

Scott pitched a good church ball game on Tuesday.  It is always fun when softball comes around.  It is something that Scott really enjoys and the ward team is a lot of fun.

I experimented on Friday with a new recipe and it turned out to be quite delicious.  It was a chicken breast marinated in balsamic dressing with a baked potato and side salad!  Perfect summer dinner.

Other than those things, we went to work. The bright side was that I worked in Holbrook every day so we were able to eat lunch together the whole week.

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