Sunday, June 14, 2015

Home Again

Well, that was a quick trip to San Diego and back. I'm so grateful that Emma decided to go to Idaho and spend the week with Elise's clan. She would have been sorely disappointed in this trip. We met Becca there and she was a trooper. She doesn't like going, but she's a good sport - and she only has to drive 5 hours to get there. It was a good break from her over 100 degree weather! It was nice to have her there. We drove for about 15 hours to get to California (making a few stops, getting off on wrong exits, getting stuck in traffic). Visited my Dad the next morning, went to Seaport Village for lunch, then back to the hotel to rest for a few minutes. It was cloudy and cold - I wore my jacket most of the time - so we didn't even consider getting in the pool at the hotel, much less driving to the beach. We had dinner with my dad's son, Masen, and his family. The next morning Dad and I went to a session at the incredibly stunning San Diego Temple, then we went to see my dad again for a short visit. We visited a war memorial close to the rest home, then began our long journey home. We spent a long, long time going between 5 and 25 mph on I-15 to get out of California.

In the meantime, Emma was having the time of her life in Idaho. The Harts really know how to entertain! She was treated to slushies, a bonfire, a museum exhibit about pirates, jogging, shopping, movies, loads of good food and much more! It's going to be boring to be home...

Many thanks to Lauren and Nick for being our rescue party this week. They ran keys to Brigham City to meet Grandpa after he lost the keys to the truck we left at his house. Then they ran to Idaho to pick Emma up and bring her home so we wouldn't have another three hours of travel at the end of our journey. Our heroes!!

Besides the traffic frustration, the San Diego visit overall was sad for me. It was a pathetic thing for me to see such a talented life so wasted. Not wanting to seem overly dramatic, I'm just saddened to realize that my dad was so caught up in himself for his whole life that he didn't build any lasting relationships. There really isn't anyone who cares about him. It was heart wrenching for me to see a little old man (he probably weighs 95-100 pounds), lying in bed, wasting his life watching whatever happens to come across the screen on the t.v. I think he was glad we came, but didn't really want us there for very long or ask us to come back. I talked with both of his sisters and his son this week and no one had anything nice to say about him. Rhonda won't even think about going to visit him. What a contrast with the family gathering and support for Ilene's mother! Sister Tucker loved much and it was returned to her! She touched many lives and endeared herself to others. Not so for my dad. I can't help but feel sad for him. He could have had so much fun with the music in our family, with the happy, laughing children. But he chose not to. It's left me feeling a bit melancholy. I can't change what he did/didn't do. I can only do what I feel I should to stay somewhat connected.

Anyway, the rest of the summer is ahead... It will be a good summer! When we came back into the valley I was amazed at how beautiful it is, so green and lush!! This is the week to attack the weeds! And to pick strawberries - tons of them! We are looking forward to seeing some of you off and on throughout the summer. Remember what a great camping yard we have now. If anyone wants to practice for the upcoming Gathering, come on up and camp out!!! We'd love to have you!

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