Sunday, June 14, 2015

Flake Fun

14 June 2015 - It has been pretty warm this week without much rain so we were able to get our yard trimmed up and looking decent.  Grandma Flake's rosebush that we transplanted last year is looking very healthy so we were able to take the other rose bush out (YAY!!!!) and tidy up that area a little bit.  The garden seems to be doing really well. 

Yesterday we moved a new little family into our ward.  They are from Queen Creek (by Phoenix) and he appears to be a gun guru judging by the multiple boxes marked "reloading stuff".  They have 3 children, Mikaela (4), Ryker (2) and a 9 month old boy.  At first the kids were pretty shy and a bit cranky (who can blame them) but by the time the truck was emptied out, Mikaela was dragging me to introduce her "new friend" to her parents and Ryker was following us like a little puppy.  They agreed that I could go home when we told them I would be in primary the next day. It's always nice to make new friends.

Other than that, it was a very typical week.  We completed some audits and got the things done at the office that were needed.

I have been thinking a lot in the past few days about the rat race that we live in.  I have been working closely with some people who seem to think that the world can't survive without them being available 24/7.  It is actually quite a sad state.  No quality time to spend with your family and friends because the boss needs this or someone else isn't fulfilling their calling so you should do that.  I guess the whole point of this little rant is to prepare everyone for some honest relaxation at the family gathering.  We have things planned and you shouldn't be bored.  But prepare yourselves to take time to sit, to visit, to nap, to laugh and to enjoy just being alive!  The rat race will still be there when you go home.


  1. Well said, Jenn! I am truly in need of removing myself from the rat race. However, I've realized that I create most of that myself. It isn't forced on me, but I choose to over-schedule and over-work myself. This summer, I am really needing to focus on just two things - taking better care of my family at home, and getting my schooling finished. I hope to only focus on those two things - and to take a needed break now and then (like at the gathering!). Let's hope babies cooperate....
