Sunday, May 10, 2015

Nilsson News

Can I just say that Lauren is incredible!  She came down to our house on Tuesday afternoon to help me with my yard which was in sad shape.  I'd made up a long list of things to do thinking and hoping we would check off one or two of the items.  We got ALL of them done!  It honestly would have taken me at least a month to complete all the projects and we got them done in a day and a half.  Then today, Emerson and Eliza were sick with colds and both Garrett and I had to teach lessons in church.  Lauren to the rescue again!  She and Nick came down and while Nick went to listen to his dad speak in church, Lauren watched Emerson, Eliza and Henry.  When I got back, I noticed that Henry was stripped down exposing all of his cute, round, chunkiness and knew there must be a story.  Lauren told me that Henry had a "massively explosive diaper"and while she was attempting to clean him up, Eliza was yelling at her to get down a necklace or something and Emerson was in the other room throwing a fit about his lego tower.  Lauren, I hope that did not completely scare you out of motherhood.  You are so prepared. Thank heavens that you have had nieces and nephews to practice on.  So, Lauren gets the super amazing, get it done and keep your cool award.
Well, the big news for the week is that we now have five new, little peeping pets downstairs and they are a delight to all the kids.  Yes, we got chicks - again.  I'm not sure what the names are because Addy keeps changing them.  Something like, Penny, Fluffy, Slinky, Jumpy and Fuzzy.  Very descriptive.  Hopefully we will have pictures soon.
Happy Mother's Day to my amazing mother and to my incredible sister's as well!  You are all an inspiration to me and help me to do and be better.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for Lauren! She is a superwoman. Hope your kids are feeling better. Hope that your lessons went well. Hope that the funeral went well.
