Sunday, May 31, 2015

Hart Happenings

I must concur with mom that Lauren's wedding was one of those rare perfect days. It was soooo good to see everyone! I loved the dancing and visiting and passing of the children between the aunts and uncles. Nice to know wherever they are someone has an eye on them. I also enjoyed the late night game session in the hotel lobby and Aggie ice cream the next morning for elevensies along with watching Joe, Garrett, and Alex play hacky sack. One aspect of the whole event that really intrigued me was the fact that everyone who came (family and guests) intended to be there. There are so few occasions these days where everyone is attentive and 100% present but I think the whole ambience was buoyed by the fact that everyone was there to celebrate and support The Belliston/Manning clan and for those few hours everyone was fully present. Bliss!

Back to real life, I guess. Garden, here we come......

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