Sunday, May 3, 2015

Nilsson News

I can't think of much that happened this past week other than the normal.  School, work, reception stuff, etc.  Garrett and Emerson went to the father and son campout on Friday and that was enjoyable for them.  Those left at home watched Frozen and then had a sleep over in my room.  Addy, Eliza and I were in the bed and Henry was close by.  It was quite the time!
Yesterday, I was in cleaning mode since the house kind of falls apart throughout the week.  I have been wanting to organize the shoe/coat closet in the entry way for a long time.  Garrett was there and as we were pulling everything out, he kept on going and ripped out the coat rod and the shelf.  Before we realized it, the paint had been opened and we were transforming that little closet.  It looks SOOOO much better!  It is amazing how old white paint can become so yellow and gross.  I do not have any before and after pictures because I didn't realize we were going to do anything so drastic.  I've noticed that is how we do things around here and at the Harts and at Mom's.  We are good at ripping things out.  Now I'm just itching to do the rest of the painting upstairs and redoing our pantry as well, oh, and the front doors.  Paint is a blessed invention!

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