Sunday, May 3, 2015

Happy in Hyde Park

Dad and I have been sitting her splitting our sides laughing at all the funny posts! You are all soooo entertaining! We love reading about the amazingly funny things you do and the way you keep a positive perspective when it might be easy to throw up your hands and give up. What incredible people you are! Thanks for keeping this treasured blog going :)  And thanks, especially for the pictures! That's the best part.

I didn't realize how long it's been since I've posted! Fortunately, or not, you are all aware of what we've been doing. It was absolutely delightful to have you all here last weekend - we did miss Lori and babies, very much. My favorite parts are too numerous to mention, but I have a special memory of time alone with Grant while he was in the treehouse talking non-stop: "Look Gramma Chesto! There is popcorn on this tree!" "Now, look Gramma Chesto - the popcorn turned to yogurt!" It was heavenly to listen to him and see his enthusiasm for everything he was observing. I loved riding in Grandpa's truck with Peter grinning ear to ear, taking Emma out for her birthday, seeing Jenn take photos of Grace shooting her weapon... and so many more fond memories!

Thanks to Jenn and Scott for coming so far, especially when you needed a root canal, Jenn!!! So sorry about that! I'm glad it's feeling better now.

It was fun to have the Hart boys stay for a couple of extra days while their parents got away to celebrate 10 years of marriage! What a milestone!

Thanks to all for coming to support Lauren and Nick at their recitals. They were very grateful for your kindness.

Lauren received her Master's degree and was recognized on Friday at the "hooding ceremony" at USU. Quite an honor. We decided to take the family out to dinner to celebrate the occasion. We all drove separately for various reasons, but when I got to the restaurant no one was there. I wondered if they had decided to go somewhere else and didn't tell me. Come to find out... Thomas remembered he had to work, so went to the Sports Academy. Dad picked Emma up there since she had gone with Thomas. Nick and Lauren were in the parking lot at Lowe's because someone had run into their car on their way to the restaurant. Dad and Emma stopped at Lowe's to see if they could help. I was waiting at the restaurant for everyone. The officer who helped at "the scene" happened to know Elise, so he hurried through the legalities so he could talk to Lauren about what her sister was up to. Finally, they all got to the restaurant! Lauren is relieved and grateful to have school behind her and to look forward to the next phase of life.

Emma got her license on Monday morning. She has been driving all around town - all by herself. Kind of scary, but kind of nice. She loves running errands for the time being :)

Thomas leaves on Friday for Oklahoma. He will be there until the wedding. Come home for the weekend and head back out. I've got to talk him into posting on the blog while he's gone so we can see what he's up to!

School starts for me again tomorrow..... Not real excited. Too much to do. But it will all work! I'm beginning to see a small light at the end of the long tunnel. It won't be much longer.

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