Sunday, May 10, 2015

Flake Fun

10 May 2015 - It was a pretty typical week with work, work and more work.  We finished up another audit.  Always nice to cross another one off the list.  I am still working on trying to wrap up all of the documents for the audit of my program.  Sometimes I think it will never end! 
Scott dug out another 10 feet or so of garden. For reference sake "dug out" includes cutting off the grass/weeds on top, shoveling and soaking until dirt is removed for 2-3 feet, layering pine needles, manure and compost and then topping off with dirt with all large rocks removed.  He wants to do another 3 feet and then we should be good to start planting.  He is a little bit sore from doing it, as you might imagine. 

Our broccoli and peppers have sprouted in the greenhouse and our tomatoes are looking healthy and getting quite big. 

I had Friday off which hasn't happened for a while so I was able to get the house a  little bit organized and find a place for all of the tools that we have accumulated in our remodeling.  Speaking of which, the house is done!  We finished the clean up and all the little projects that we were hoping to.  Kris will start moving in on Thursday.  We are going to be landlords.  Ah, the adventures of life!

The bunnies are "multiplying and replenishing" at an alarming rate.  We saw 4 in the field the other morning on the way to work and 2 more at the neighbor's house this morning on our walk.  So far they have left our garden alone so we are still friends.

It has rained quite a bit lately which is strange but a blessing.  If it keeps up there won't be as much trepidation about fire season as there has been in the past. 

We are excited to see everyone again in a couple of weeks! 

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