Sunday, May 17, 2015

Hart Happenings

Does anyone out there ever feel like laundry has a life of it's own. Sometimes it plays nice and goes with the flow but occasionally it decides to assert itself and take over. Sheesh! Boys tend to create an industrial amount of laundry. I guess that's a small price to pay for not worrying about laundry for an entire week while we road tripped it to the Northwest. It was fabulous! Highlights included a bike ride through some funky Seattle neighborhood, finding all kinds of creatures in the tidepools on the coast, and hiking through some of the most beautiful forest on the planet! The kids really liked running from the waves and having a bonfire on the beach.

We've been loving the rain back at home though. It was miraculous to go away for a week and come home and see how amazing the yard looks. 
It's been interesting the past few weeks to go through our ward being dissolved and the entire stake reorganized. I never understood with all the ward changes that we went through as kids what a logistical and administrative challenge it is! But it's good to get shaken up every so often. It reminds us that we're alive!
Can't wait to see everyone in a couple weeks. It'll be the event of the season!

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