Sunday, May 3, 2015

Flake Fun

3 May 2015 - It's May already?   This week has been pretty normal with work and that sort of thing.  We transplanted 3 corn plants from our greenhouse to our garden (they are over a foot tall and had outgrown their little containers).  We have potatoes coming up.  So we should have fresh potatoes and corn at the family gathering!!!!  We have 52 healthy little tomato plants in the greenhouse that we will transfer to the great outdoors in the next few weeks I assume.  Scott has been working on extending the garden another couple of yards which is hard work but it will be well worth it. 

We went branding yesterday which is always an adventure.  The day was overcast which made it very pleasant.  If you have never hung out with old cowboys just doin' their job, I highly recommend it.  The topic of the day: proper castration methods for various types of animals.

Nathan (Scott's brother) blessed his baby girl Katelyn today so we went down to Mesa.  It was hot but the blessing went well and there was a lot of support for the new little family which was nice.

It has rained a couple of times this past week which we always enjoy. 

Oh yea, and I had a root canal...and it got infected.  But I'm doing much better now that I have antibiotics! 

Have a great week you wonderful people you! 

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