Sunday, April 12, 2015

Whoa, Garrett! That was quite a game of racquetball! You'll have to get one of those $200 - $400 racquets that the people Thomas plays with have...

The YSA 4th Stake Conference went well this weekend. It started yesterday at 3:30 or so for Dad with meetings with Elder Gary B. Porter of the Seventy. He is very nice, considerate and a good teacher. After a couple of meetings, we had dinner with Elder Porter and his wife and the stake presidency, prepared by the Stake RS Presidency. Afterwards we attended the Saturday night session, which was superb. Elder Porter suggested that rather than giving a prepared speech, the brethren should just teach. So, Dad taught. It was wonderful! This morning's session was inspiring as well. The first couple of speakers were long-winded so the rest of us were pinched on time. But that worked out well. Hopefully Dad will sleep well tonight! It's been a while since he has!

Emma loved, loved, loved her time in Idaho - the best part was being there without Chester! She didn't have to worry about him and could relax and enjoy her sisters and their families. She has been counting the days until she turns 16. Just two weeks from today!! Who can believe that?

Thomas has been busier than ever. He was a trooper last week and allowed me to do some IV practicing on him. He has lovely veins! He's up to his eyebrows in work and school and new experiences in his life - like attending Jazz games, etc. If you need any Jazz paraphernalia, we have a stack on the window seat.

Lauren is practicing her heart out now that her projects and papers are all done. She looks mighty happy these days! Especially so when she's with a certain fellow...  Ideas are coming together for her wedding - announcements, flowers, food, decorations, etc. It will be very nice, I'm sure.

The other day when I was glancing through the latest Ensign, I was interested to read the letter issued by the First Presidency 100 years ago. "To this end we advise and urge the inauguration of a 'home evening' throughout the church, at which time fathers and mothers may gather their boys and girls about them in the home and teach them the word of the Lord."  It is quite apparent that there was a need at that time for this fortification in order to be prepared for the days ahead - 2 world wars and other wars and the total moral disintegration of society. It's not any better now.

Thanks for making sure your family home evenings are happening. Our leaders are continually reminding us of the blessings promised, when 100 years ago they said, "Love at home and obedience to parents will increase. Faith will be developed in the hearts of the youth of Israel, and they will gain power to combat the evil influences and temptations which beset them." I'm glad our grandchildren will have these blessings!

I love the list of things recommended to be included in home evening! If your FHEs are getting a little dull, maybe you could look at the list from this letter: "This home evening should be devoted to prayer, singing hymns, songs, instrumental music, scripture reading, family topics and specific instruction on the principles of the gospel... For smaller children, appropriate recitations, songs, stories, and games may be introduced. Light refreshments of such a nature as may be largely prepared in the home might be served..." So great!

Keep up the good work of living the gospel! I love you all :)
P.S. Our peas are up! And Dad's little seeds have sprouted! It's spring time at our house!

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