Sunday, April 12, 2015

Flake Fun

12 April 2015 - I am currently sitting on the couch, watching a bunny hop through the field, wondering what type of bright, yellow chested bird is sitting on the fence post (do killdeer have yellow breasts?) and smelling the chocolate chip cookies that Scott is baking. Life, as you can tell, is grand.

If you look really close you can see the bunny.

Not the best picture but I didn't want to scare it away by opening a door or window.

We have found a renter...but we have never met her!  She came up to see the house while we were both working but Dona was kind enough to let her see the property and she loves it!  She and her son, along with 2 great danes will be moving in in May.  So the project is coming to a close and we are very grateful for that.

A fun but brutal thing has happened at work that involves both of us.  Some of the health department programs received a state audit in the last couple of months and they didn't go so well.  Because of this the Finance and Grants Administration departments decided that every health department grant needed to go through an internal audit.  I was volun-told to be the "auditor" from the health department so I will be sitting in on every audit along with the grants accountant (Scott) and a couple of other people.  The fun part is that I get to work with Scott nearly every afternoon.  The brutal part is two fold - it is a 6-8 week process to get the grants started and the first grant is my program!  We started my program's audit last week and got through 4 months in two 4-hour days.  We are scheduled to continue this coming week.  Each transaction is being scrutinized for adherence to county and state policy as well as acceptability/applicability within the grant guidelines!

We planted a few potatoes last week in the garden plot and we have some tomatoes, corn and onions coming up in the green house. (See below!)  We are hoping to get some peppers planted this week if we can find the time to get the seeds!   If anyone would like us to bring up some seedlings, let us know and we'll get them planted for you! 

The Family Gathering is fast approaching and we are getting pretty excited. We are also getting excited to see everyone in a couple of weeks for the recital...and then the wedding...YAY for family time!  If there is anything that we need to bring, please let us know! 

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