Monday, April 20, 2015

Feed at your own risk

Babies are EVERYWHERE!!! It's official, they can get everywhere and into anything! Should you come to our home, don't be alarmed by jail bars and relocation of plants, books, and cords to a 30" altitude.  Please leave any valuables in your car to avoid the loss of items in the pat down by occupants. Above all, feed them at your own risk... Here's some of the surveillance tapes of eating a banana from earlier this week: lunch time. Jake is the one on the left...Aren't they cute? They've grown up so much!!!

Potty training is's going! Grant loves racing to see who gets there first! He would prefer to sit in his dirt pile... which is now more of a dirt bump thanks to trucks, cars, and various stuffed animals that are all an awesome dirt brown color now. That dirt pile has been one of the best parts of this house! Hours and hours of fun! He is super excited to play pretend with animals, be outside, and loves to make the babies laugh. Definition- Boy, n. 1.noise with dirt on it. Seems to fit.

Grace is learning to ride her bike without training wheels and is awesome. In fact she looks very much like a pink blur flying around the park. Her favorite part of the day next to eating loopies in the morning with Daddy and when he comes home from work would be playing outside with her friends as much as possible. It's not uncommon to see: 4 little Elsa's running around, little girls enjoying the sunshine in their lawn chairs, one turn to another and say "we need to solve the mystery of the missing...(insert obscure animal)", etc. It's been fun to have such good buddies.

We went on a staycation to Thanksgiving Point and had a great time. We stayed in a great hotel with pool for the kiddos and visited all the museums there. We are looking forward to going back. Our favorite by far was the Curiosity Museum and we highly recommend it to anyone!  

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