Sunday, April 12, 2015

Nilsson News

Apologies for not writing last week but we were having so much fun in Idaho with the Hart family.  The first big news, wee have now joined the minivan world!  I don't know if I'm really excited about it or not but it is nice being able to go places altogether as a family.  We found it on KSL (a Honda odyssey) and it was actually in Missouri.  The guy agreed to drive it out for General Conference weekend.  Garrett met him in Salt Lake around 10:30 p.m. on Friday and bright and early Saturday morning we drove it up to Idaho.  The kids love the DVD feature (but I am still going to insist on reading books to them too) and the window shades that go up and the windows that go down.  It will be a nice thing for our family and we hope it will last a good many more years.
We had a glorious time with the Harts hunting eggs, watching conference, eating wonderful food, and visiting.  We drove out to see a gorgeous property that they are interested in with a big barn, pond and several acres.  Beautiful!  Sunday I came down with something and was so sick to my stomach.  I think someone always gets sick whenever we are with the Harts.  Next time will be different!
The kids and I drove up to Logan to do some reception planning with Lauren.  I can't believe how fast the wedding is approaching.  So exciting!
Life is busy but good.  Sorry there are no pictures:(

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