Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Nilsson News

It is 1:00 in the afternoon and I'm sitting here still in my pajamas hoping that at some point I will have the opportunity to take a shower.  I woke up this morning feeling quite optimistic and knowing that this was going to be a great day.  We got home from our St. George trip yesterday evening and the house was clean, we unpacked all our bags, Garrett mowed the lawn and we got most the kids bathed.  Today I had a fresh start.
I was able to pack Garrett a lunch because I was up early enough and then I did a little scripture reading.  I made a nice pancake breakfast and all was good.  Henry was the only one I didn't get bathed so I decided before we started school that I would give him a bath in the kitchen sink.  The other kids like to stand around and watch.  I was just about finished rinsing Henry, when all of the sudden Eliza started to throw up.  Luckily she was at the sink so I was able to somewhat direct her to throw up in the the sink.  I was trying my hardest to keep my youngest child from drowning while at the same time keep Eliza calm and under control.  I put Henry on the towel on the counter and got Eliza a little wiped off.  Henry of course began to fuss and I picked him up with Eliza holding on to my legs saying she threw up.  As I was trying to get clothes for both of the younger children, Emerson was following right at my heels asking when his teeth were going to fall out.  My first thought was that if he didn't very soon quit pestering me, he might lose them sooner than later.  So far my day has been as good as that and I'm thinking I may just go back to bed, after all, I'm still in my pajamas.

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