Sunday, April 19, 2015

Flake Fun

19 April 2015 - This week has flown by at an amazing rate.  I was able to go to work with Scott twice this week for the audit.  Being with him as a "co-worker" gave me new appreciation for all that he does.  We finished up the actual auditing part of things and now I just have to get a lot of reports and paperwork put together for final documentation.

Yesterday we spent some time getting a load of pine needles to mix into our garden.  By the time we got them back to the house it was late and we were tired so we just have a huge pile of pine needles on top of our garden, instead of mixed in! 

We worked on the Sunset house for a few hours yesterday, mostly cleaning up the yard.  Scott was able to install a light/fan in the master bathroom.  We brought the pile of extra pavers back to our house and built a fire pit with some of them.  The others we are hoping to use for landscaping in the front yard. 

The weather turned a bit chilly these last couple of days but we never got any snow like all of you!  We did build a couple of fires though.

We are counting down the days until we get to see you all again.  We are planning to head up on Thursday and stay with the Nilsson's on Thursday evening.  Friday we'll make our way to Logan!

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