Sunday, April 26, 2015

Nilsson News

My last post was not the most uplifting and I apologize for that.  I guess I was caught up in the moment.  Thank goodness for those moments that help us recognize how good the good is.  We had a splendid time with the entire fam (except Lori and the babies who were missed)!  It was nice to spend a night with Jenn and Scott before heading up to Cache Valley.  The cousins all played fabulously and that is so fun to see.  Lauren's recital was totally inspiring and all I can say is when she is famous, my claim to fame will be that she and I always played duets and performed together.  Fun times!  We are eagerly counting down to the wedding!
It was fun to wake up Emma and take her out to breakfast and go ice skating.  Addy can't stop talking about the skating and wants to know where the closest rink is to our house.  I think it is probably Logan.  Maybe we should move there someday.  The pies were tasty, the games hilarious and the company perfect.  I don't have much more to say other than here are a few random pictures to enjoy.
 Eliza is a born gardener.  She really gets into it.  Literally.
 Superheroes to the rescue!
 Pondering conference.
 Enjoying sunny St. George.
Nothing more adorable than this!

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