Sunday, April 5, 2015

Hart Happenings

It's been all fun and games for a while here at the Hart house.  With the weather being so nice we have a hard time staying at home so we've gone out adventuring, revisiting our favorite local outdoor spots after being cooped up all winter.  We spent some time hiking around up and down a caldera and chasing the deer that were holed up in the crater.  At the sand dunes we huffed and puffed up the highest dune we could find.  We about died, but felt very accomplished upon reaching the top.

This is a big birthday month for us.  Ian started us off with a bang and turned 9!  WOW!  He is so huge these days and we love every last inch of him.  Then Peter wrapped things up on the 29th when he turned 3.  He is busy doing everything in a super way; super fast, super loud, super strong.  He has Peter power!

Easter was fabulous!  It was so much fun to have Ruth and co. up here to celebrate with us.  We've done it enough times now that it is practically tradition for the Nilssons and Harts to do Easter together and it is never quite as fun if we have to do it without them.  The missionaries even got into the action and helped the dads hide the eggs.  Emma has earned celebrity status at the Hart house.  Peter latched on to her and would not let go, while the big boys and Nilsson kids were convinced that she had the best ideas and came up with the funnest games.  She also was exposed to the Pajama Game.  I don't know if any of you siblings realize that she had never seen that show before.  Your welcome.  I took care of it for all y'all.  She is now in the know and can quote the classic lines with the best of us.  "Don't touch me!  I'm out with friendzzz." OR "He's always got a knife.  He's living in the past."  OR "I think I need a little nap."  Amongst the sisters present there was a lot of wedding talk.  We are getting so excited!  It's going to be lovely!

Conference, as always, was a highlight.  It's always interesting to watch the subtle differences that happen from year to year.  I loved when Elder Uchdorf slipped into his German.  Hilarious!  Alex and I really enjoyed his talk, as well.  Per some conversations with our biblical Christian friends we have been doing some serious study about grace and thought his talk was very pertinent and clear.  Earlier this week we listened to Brad Wilcox's His Grace is Sufficient (found on BYU speeches), which was the best talk about grace I had ever heard, and Elder Uchdorf's talk was very similar with some additional insight.

We didn't blog (or blob, as Jack would say) last week, and have to mention what a stellar time we had with Mom, Emma, and Thomas when they came up, kind of spur of the moment last weekend.  We had a lovely visit and are spoiled with so much family time.  Peter is convinced that this is how things are going to roll from here on out and is expecting Grant and Grace any day now.  Emma was also released from our house this weekend with instructions to come back next time with "Wamma Wobin".

Of note: we got our new bookshelf painted and it looks soooo great!  Pictures pending.  We also, officially solved our plumbing problems.  So nice not to have a Niagra Falls experience happening in our laundry room any more.  Thank you, super peppy plumber guy Eric.  Our early planting experiment is a bust so far.  We've got nothing.  But the daffodils and tulips are blooming their heads off.

Life is good!

We call him Garrett the Destroyer.  That must have been some game!

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