Happy Easter to all! It was a great day. A bit gloomy with the weather outside, but not at all inside. We woke up early and Stetson was delighted with his Easter basket. He got lots of eggs filled with goldfish and some smarties, little Jesus books, bubbles, and chalk. We also got him a picture of Jesus and the children which he promptly broke… but it’s still a nice picture regardless. Cam got a study Book of Mormon and I got the journal edition come follow me. We had a very nice sacrament meeting with lots of nice music. One family in our ward did “Amazing Grace” with dad on the bass fiddle, two kids on the cello, two on the violin, mom on the violin, and the youngest singing. It was pretty awesome. I minister to the mom and she’s pretty incredible! One takeaway I had from this week was the quote by President Nelson “death without grief is life without love.” I’m glad we can feel grief and that the grief we feel is only temporary and will be replaced with joy.
Not too much happened this week. I did some more baking/cooking and began posting videos to Instagram. It’s been a fun project for me. I posted a video about a parchment paper hack, and it got 14,500 views! So that was fun! I did another one about homemade marshmallows, and that one currently has 18,000. Just kinda fun that people see it.
We went to Al’s for their Easter egg hunt on Saturday and it was NUTSO. There was a line clear around the building before we got there. Apparently there were 1000 eggs hidden around the store and if you found one you could pick from some nice products at the front of the store. We didn’t want to wait in line so we got there about 10 minutes late and it was total madness. Black Friday in March! We just kinda meandered around and watched people frantically look for eggs. We didn’t find any, but a nice older guy gave Stetson a couple eggs with some candy in it. Stetson was more interested in the hundreds of balls that Al’s has. He’s been constantly repeating “ba ba ba” and trying to hold alllllllll of his balls at the same time (he has quite a few and gets rather frustrated when they don’t all fit in his arms).
Cam and I went on a fun date on Friday. We went to Le Nonne and ordered some dessert and listened to Mike Christiansen play the guitar. It was soooo fun. Dad stayed at our house and made sure Stetson didn’t wake up. It was quite delightful and pretty delicious too.
Anyway, I sure love you all! Hope you have a great week!
He gives the very best squeezes everTotal CHAOS He likes to hang out on the steps with me
Trying to convince Oakley that the bath is actually funThis might not seem like a big deal, but I did my nails and they perfectly matched Stetsons Easter shirt. It’s a big deal.
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