Sunday, March 31, 2024

Flake Fun

 So much can happen in two weeks! Three major things have happened in those 2 weeks:

Rand visited the dentist and had some fillings and caps taken care of.  That is not an experience for the faint of heart!  He was a trooper though and recovered quickly.

Rand and Robin learned how to ride without training wheels overnight! It was a fun wild ride.  On day 2 (he had been riding less than 24 hours), Rand decided to try out jumps at the local skate park.  Em, you have a couple of years to prepare yourself for that anxiety inducing experience.

We got the culvert in...for the most part. 


It was quite late when Scott stopped compacting for the night.

Measuring the depth and such

The temporary dam that broke so we had to pump a great deal of water out.

That's all for us! 

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