Sunday, October 27, 2019

Flake Fun

While it has gotten chilly here we haven't gotten any snow yet.  We have gotten a lot of wins though.

This was a pretty good week. Both babies are learning to laugh which is so much fun. It is delightful to hear them react so pleasantly.  They are also liking to talk to and look at each other.  The latest and greatest toy is the bouncer that the Mannings gave us. Rand is really liking the upright position so it is a lifesaver for my arms!

The big news is that my job was posted and Scott applied for it.  Now we'll see what happens.  Fingers crossed that he gets it because I am planning a "training retreat" in Smithfield next month!

I think that is all for us.  Hope all the Spartans survived! Can't wait to hear all of the adventures!

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