Sunday, October 13, 2019

Flake Fun

First off a huge thank you to everyone who took the time to come to the blessing. It was great to have you all here. We can't wait to see you all over Thanksgiving.

The weather has turned cold in Snowflake and we have had our first freeze. No snow but our garden is toast.  The days have been quite pleasant which is nice.

I went into the office a couple of days this week and the kids didn't like it very much so we are figuring out the next move as far as that is concerned.

The twins are doing really well and growing like weeds!  We haven't weighed them yet this week but I anticipate that Robin is over 10 pounds.  Rand cleared that mark a couple of weeks ago.

There are a couple of apple trees at Scott's office and he was bringing home a few every day so yesterday he made a batch of applesauce and canned it.  It looks really good!

Hope that you all have a great week!

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