Sunday, October 27, 2019

Manning Moments

It sure has been a long while since I posted but I love reading all your fabulous posts! You are all doing such amazing things. Speaking of amazing...I wish we were with you in Cali doing Spartan things. That sounds so fun and warm!
We have enjoyed the nice fall weather for the last little bit. We have gone on lots of walks, played at the park, gone hiking and played frisbee. I think I was meant to be a plant. Being outside is really life giving and puts me in a happy place. We went to the Thanksgiving point fall carnival for the first time and it was a blast! They had so much to do including every kind of ball game, pig races, a candy canon, a dog show, and much, much more. The boys were in heaven!
Nick is enjoying his new place at American Heritage. The students are very nice and respectful and have lots to contribute in each class. It is nice to see Nick enjoying the students, last year was a bit rough.
We went through a little bit of flu a couple weeks ago and it only got Nick and Chet so that was a blessing we weren't all down but we are glad that's over. Last Sunday, Nick's opinion on Wesley greatly increased. We watched the Book of Mormon video where Nephi breaks his bow and Wesley wanted to shoot a bow and arrow. So Nick fashioned a bow out of a plastic hanger and he taught Wesley how to shoot. They hunted the rest of the day and Wesley was elated, as was Nick.
That is about all. We woke up to snow this morning and I am determined to not let the cold weather get the better of me! I will love where I live all year long!
Love you all and can't wait to see you in a month or so!

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